No woolly talk

The purification of waste water is one of the core tasks of Waterschap De Dommel. This also includes maintenance of the installations. "The operational staff in particular have often been with us for some time." These executive colleagues often find it difficult to develop along with the rest of the organisation. Rex Verkaik, HR advisor at the Waterboard, got in touch with FairField via LinkedIn and was pleasantly surprised by the approach.
"Not many agencies focus on the operationthe executives within companies. FairField does. 35 employees - we are mainly talking about mechanics - talk 1-for-1 with a FairField colleague to find out where the learning needs are. Their manager wants to guide his people well and chooses to be present at all conversations. FairField then develops a customised programme. It's nice to know FairField doesn't take its training off the shelf."
The motivation of this group of executive employees is sometimes a bit lost. Above all, they felt that the organisation decides what they should do. And that they should just follow. Waterschap De Dommel challenges colleagues to bring in their own professionalism. Among other things, we facilitate them in becoming more positively assertive, in addressing their colleagues in an effective way. All with the aim of further enhancing the fun at work. When you feel good in your workplace, you are fitter, sharper and more motivated. And that benefits work.
"FairField has shown that she speaks the language of our employees. No woolly management talk. Our colleagues will look at what they would like to develop and learn how to interact differently. The manager also gets support. He would like to develop in coaching and finds it important to have a direct line of communication with his colleagues. Talks, coaching, training, quite an intensive process, but I have every confidence in the approach and the result.
Our colleagues are going to feel even more responsible for what they doWe're in the early stages of this process. The employees have completed an online questionnaire, on the basis of which conversations are now being held with all of them, so there will be another training period. In the end, this group of people will be firmer in their shoes, they will increase the pleasure in their work. And then they are also prepared to look into the organisation where things can be done differently, to be open for the future. Motivated people pay better attention to the proper maintenance of the installations"
Rex Verkaik, HR department
Waterboard De Domme